Hochberg Committee

Promoting knowledge of the Holocaust and an understanding & respect for the human rights of all people

What is the Hochberg Committee for Holocaust and Human Rights Education?

The Hochberg Committee was formed after a bequest by Lillian and Bess Hochberg to promote knowledge about the Holocaust and to foster understanding and respect for human rights.

The Memorial Scroll

The symbol that the Hochberg Committee chose as a living reminder of the attempted genocide of the Jewish people is a pre-World War II Czechoslovakian Torah Scroll, which rests in a glass cabinet in our Temple foyer. It is one of 1500 scrolls which are some of the only surviving remains of 153 Czech Jewish communities. In 1964 Westminster Synagogue in London, England rescued the scrolls from the Communist government of Czechoslovakia, restoring the scrolls, and loaning them around the world, as a symbol of the Holocaust and of a message against prejudice and hate. (For more information, please visit: memorialscrollstrust.org).

Yom HaShoah and Kristallnacht

Each year, the Hochberg Committee sponsors a unique service commemorating Yom HaShoah. Our Memorial Scroll is an honored part of the service.

On Kristallnacht, considered the violent beginning of the Holocaust, known as the β€œnight of broken glass,” special programs are held, featuring speakers, especially survivors of the Holocaust.


The major on-going work of the Holocaust Committee involves:

  • Awarding grant money for schools and libraries to purchase new materials and expand their collections on Holocaust education and human rights as well sponsoring speakers and field experiences for area schools.

  • Sponsoring major exhibits with area universities, such as the Anne Frank Exhibit at the ECSU Akus Gallery, and The Rescuer’s Exhibit at UCONN’s Benton Museum of Art.

  • Actively working with and supporting interfaith initiatives, combating racism, and prejudice by a variety of speakers, exhibits, workshops, and interactive events to widen respect for human rights everywhere.


Challenge each other to confront prejudice and hatred.

Be Inspired to action by building bridges across communities.

Never Forget.

Interested in joining our efforts to help foster a more caring humane world?

Contact our office for more information: 

office@templebnaiisrael.org        860-423-3743