“Turn from evil and do good; Seek peace and pursue it!” (Psalm 34:15)

This page offers some resources for those wishing to do good and seek peace, relieving some of the suffering in Israel and the Palestinian Territories and offering some hope.  This list was compiled by Rav Jeremy with an eye toward both the shared values of our congregation and also the diversity of relationships to Israel and the conflict. There are some organizations here that he donates to and some he doesn’t. They all are working in the region. With one exception, they are mostly working in Israel, but what happens in Israel obviously has a huge impact on what happens in Gaza and the West Bank. You might support those organizations that fit your vision with your money or time, your words or your clicks.

 The Reconstructionist movement has a program called “shutafut,” which means “partnership,” designed to inform and connect Reconstructionists with Israeli organizations doing work that overlaps with our values. These aren’t full endorsements, as the overlap might not be complete, but these are organizations our Joint Israel Commission thinks you might be interested in, that some members of the Commission support and all find worthwhile for us to know about. In addition to organizations working on religious pluralism, there are organizations working on a shared society between different ethnic groups (The Hinam Center for Social Tolerance, AJEEC-NISPED, Sulha Peace Project) and working on issues of peace and justice (Leket Israel, Breaking the Silence, Standing Together, Women Wage Peace). You can find more about shutafut and these organizations here. The Reconstructionist movement suggests additional ways to help during this time of war in Israel and Palestine here; Rav Jeremy’s suggestions can be found below.

 The International Committee of the Red Cross – Israel and the Occupied Territories

 The ICRC’s Israel and O.T. unit works with both the Israeli and Palestinian Red Cross affiliates. They try to get food and medicine to Gazans, work for the care and release of the Israeli hostages, and provide mental health and other aid to Israeli evacuees and survivors of the attack and war.

DONATE HERE: https://www.icrc.org/en/donate/israelgaza

 Brothers and Sisters for Israel

This organization, also known as Brothers and Sisters in Arms, was founded by military reservists and retirees and has been fighting for Israeli democracy as well as Israeli safety. It was a leader of the street protests against Netanyahu last year, pivoted to be the largest and most effective support system for Israelis after the October 7 attacks (supporting evacuees, the wounded, and soldiers), and now continues the citizen support work while returning to the streets calling for early elections. Donations to the English website seem to go only to the non-political work, but I can’t guarantee that.

DONATE HERE: https://www.brothersandsistersforisrael.org/

 World Union for Progressive Judaism Emergency Appeal

Reconstructing Judaism is a member movement of the WUPJ. Their emergency appeal is focusing on providing funds for immediate needs, informal educational programs and childcare, elderly assistance, mental health counseling, and more in Israel.

DONATE HERE: https://wupj.org/emergency-appeal-to-help-israeli-victims-of-terror/

Jewish Federation of Eastern Connecticut – Emergency Relief Fund for Israel

DONATE HERE: https://app.theauxilia.com/pay/7efa6545-8fbc-704a-79f7-9b05c21637f9

The Kibbutz Movement Fund

A huge proportion of the burden of death and destruction in the October attack fell on the kibbutzim near the Gaza boarder. A disproportionate number of the members of these kibbutzim were and are peaceniks, working for peace and dignity for Palestinians and Israelis, driving Gazans to hospital treatments in Israel, etc. The Kibbutz Movement established this fund to help the surviving members of these kibbutzim rebuild their lives and eventually their kibbutzim.

DONATE HERE: https://www.jgive.com/new/en/usd/donation-targets/110241/about


May the peace of no-killing return soon, and then may it blossom into real shalom,

all the pieces fitting together in dignity and wholeness.


Oseh shalom bimromav hu ya'aseh shalom aleynu v'al kol yisrael v'al kol yoshvei tevel, v’imru amen.

:עֹשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם בִּמְרוֹמָיו הוּא יַעֲשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם עָלֵֽינוּ וְעַל כָּל-יִשְׂרָאֵל, וְעַל כָּל- יֹושְׁבֵי תֵבֵל, וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן